Characters illustrations for SDS
Create custom illustrations for the profession covers and develop a webpage layout that would demonstrate learning paths for each profession. The fundamental goal of this project was to create expressive and eye-catching hand-drawn images that would symbolize the specialist in a particular field and make the users want to further explore the learning algorithms.
One of the most expressive modern styles is pop-art, so there’s no wonder our designers decided to go with it in this project. All the illustration characters have unusual bright, bold and contrasting looks and convey positive and fun emotions perfectly representing their professional fields. Saturated colors, heavy outlines, and pixel-dot effects help to create contrast and bring attention to important details. Discreet webpage structure makes the learning paths easy-to-digest. Thus we reached our goal ending up with eye-catching cover images and a smart layout that grab users’ attention and don’t overwhelm the overall composition at the same time.
Category- Illustrations
- Characters
- Education
- Science
- Technology
- Hand-drawn
- Pop-Art